29 July 2022 was the best day in Susanne's life. The new Beyonce album came out. The day before that she got married! (Her words, not mine. Although Cuff It is a bop).
Susanne and Craig were originally going to get married 2 years prior but due to that big idiot called COVID ruining all our plans, it got rescheduled. And it was well worth the wait! Having been to many, many gigs at the Studio Warehouse, I did wonder how it would work for a wedding. I mean, it is what it's called - a warehouse! But wow, what a place to get married! Despite the rain, we were spoiled for choice for where to go to inside for photos.
The day was set up beautifully by wedding planning team, Fin Flukra. Cat and her team had everything organised to a Tee and made the day go smoothly. Every wedding should have a Fin Flukra!
Celebrant Rachel - who I seem to run into at weddings about 4 times a month, was the one to conduct the ceremony and tell us all about Craig and Susanne's love story. Susanne's bestie, Emily came up to read out a beautiful poem before crying and grabbing Susanne and telling her she was her favourite.
After the ceremony we managed to run up to the roof (the actual roof) of SWG3 and get some beautiful scenic shots of Glasgow as our backdrop. Despite the skies turning grey and the rain teasing us, we got some epic shots. You could see the whole of Glasgow, and my hoose all from the roof of the warehouse. It wasn't too long before we ran back downstairs for the beginning of the reception.
Susanne opened with the speeches for the day and NGL...I've heard maybe 300+ wedding speeches - mostly from the dudes - and I don't think they will ever top Susannes. Nae 'upper hand' jokes here.
The reception concluded with the first dance but the moment of the night has got to be Susanne dancing with her Dad to Bruce Springsteen's Dancing in the Dark. Courtnay Cox and Brucie eat your heart out.
Celebrant: Rachel Hey
MUA: Claire Nisbet
Wedding Planner: Fin Flukra
Kilts: MacGregor and MacDuff
Flowers: Mud Urban Flowers
Hair: Lynsey Ryan